Health, occupational safety

We, as DMH, provide a healthy and safe working environment for our employees.

Our workplace is inspected for any hazards at regular intervals in accordance with the precautionary principle, in order to provide our employees with a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The standard equivalent to ISO45001 is integrated throughout our management system. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are protected from working conditions that could endanger the health of the mother or child.


DMH does not tolerate any kind of violence and discrimination in the company.

Respectful interaction with each other is always expected and taken for granted. We do not discriminate against anyone and do not tolerate discrimination on the basis of ethnic or national affiliation, gender, religion, ideology, age, disability, sexual orientation or skin colour. As a matter of principle, our employees are selected, hired and promoted on the basis of their qualifications, and violations of these principles will be punished with disciplinary measures if necessary. These are clearly regulated through written procedures and documentation as well as discussion between staff and management.

Human Rights & Child Labour

DMH respects and adheres to the principles of international human rights and does not tolerate child labour.

We do not condone or tolerate any form of child labour, "modern" slavery, human trafficking or forced labour.  Every employment relationship is voluntary and can be terminated after observing the agreed notice period. We do not tolerate employment relationships that do not comply with international or national laws. Child labour is not tolerated. This means that young employees, under the age of 18, must be strictly protected from work. An exception is made for learning programmes (apprenticeships, internships, etc.) in compliance with national and international laws and regulations, with appropriate support and training provided through the management system.

Data protection

DMH is committed to keeping confidential data and business secrets secret.

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of personal data of our employees, as well as customers, suppliers and other business partners. We protect this data through appropriate technical and organisational measures. We comply with laws and regulatory requirements relating to data protection.

We recognise and respect the intellectual property of competitors, business partners and other third parties.


We operate and develop our business according to the performance principle and like to measure ourselves against our competitors. In doing so, we always comply with the law and ethical principles. This also means that we do not make any anti-competitive agreements with competitors, suppliers or customers.


DMH strives to further expand its pioneering role in the market by constantly striving for technological market leadership in order to be always one step ahead. Non-disclosure agreements and company secrets are not disclosed either internally or to third parties. Furthermore, secrets are protected by appropriate technical or organisational measures.  Contact with customers and potential interested parties is sought by visiting and participating in international trade fairs, conferences and business missions.

Conflicts of interest

We make our decisions exclusively on the basis of objective criteria and do not allow ourselves to be influenced by personal interests and relationships in order to avoid conflicts of interest. What are conflicts of interest?

- Business connections with DMH where the businesspartner is a member of the employee's family.

- Business connections with DMH where the businesspartner is a former or existing employer

- The employee or a family member has an ownership or management interest in a counterparty

Conflicts of interest may arise unknowingly or where personal or stakeholder interests conflict with the interests of DMH or its existing or potential clients or suppliers. If such a conflict of interest arises or if there is any ambiguity, it must be reported to the supervisor (or another supervisor who is not subject to a conflict of interest).

Company property

We always treat our own property and that of third parties with the most care and respect.

Each employee must handle the work equipment made available to him or her with care and respect. In particular, this includes both material and intellectual company property as well as the property of third parties.

Anti-corruption and gifts

We are transparent and honest in our dealings with our business partners.

Therefore, it is prohibited to engage in bribery, self-benefit, acceptance of monetary benefits or any other form of corrupt activity in connection with DMH business. Employees are prohibited from receiving large gifts or money or money-like gifts from business partners. A gift of small value will be tolerated (wine, calendars, promotional items, etc.). Hospitality, in the course of a business meeting, must be checked according to national law and is accepted.

Money laundering

We only maintain business relationships with reputable partners whose business activities are in accordance with legal regulations and whose financial resources are of legitimate origin.

Therefore, all employees are prohibited from engaging in activities that violate money laundering regulations. Money laundering is understood to mean, in particular, the introduction of funds or other assets originating from criminal offences, into the legal financial market and economic cycle. Without exception, all our transactions are in line against terrorist financing and money laundering.

Protection of the identity of whistleblowers

DMH has implemented a system that ensures the confidentiality and anonymity of the whistleblower.  The system has been set up and employees have been informed that they can report their concerns without fear of retaliation.


As a manufacturing company, we are responsible for the environmental compatibility and sustainability of our products and services. Therefore, as a company, we pay attention to the efficient use of resources and energy as well as to applicable environmental standards. We try to minimise the risk to the environment by only using hazardous substances in our company under appropriate conditions. Furthermore, it is a goal to continuously minimise our waste, as well as to improve sustainability with regard to plastic packaging material. A management system equivalent to ISO14001 is implemented in our company.

Supply chains

DMH engages its suppliers.

We oblige our suppliers to implement the above-mentioned points with suitable measures (e.g. audits). If a supplier exhibits relevant deviations from the above points and this comes to the attention of an employee, this must be reported immediately to the superior. The stakeholder will be demonstrably requested to take active measures to change the behavior within a reasonable period of time, otherwise we reserve the right to terminate the business relationship.

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